From September 4th to September 8th 2021, over 70 indigenous people of the Yanomami Indigenous Land, both men and women, came together to participate in the II Yanomami and Ye'kwana Leadership Forum. The event took place in the Tabalascada Indigenous Land, in the state of Roraima, Brazil. Representatives of the seven associations that exist in the Yanomami Indigenous Land debated, shared their stories and complaints: Hutukara Associação Yanomami (HAY), Associação Wanasseduume Ye’kwana (Seduume), Associação das Mulheres Yanomami Kumirayoma (AMYK), Associação Kurikama Yanomami (AKY), Associação Yanomami do Rio Cauaburis e Afluentes (Ayrca), Texoli Associação Ninam do Estado de Roraima (Taner), Hwenama Associação do Povo Yanomami de Roraima (Hapyr) and also, of the Yanomami and Ye'kwana District's Indigenous Health Council (Conselho Distrital de Saúde Indígena Yanomami e Ye’kwana - Condisi-YY).The debates were centered around the destruction brought to the territory by illegal mining and the colapse of the health system. As a result, two letters were written by the indigenous leaders and delivered to public authorities during a protest in Boa Vista, Roraima. Read more: