Channel Apps


Nome completo:
Alexandre Hannud Abdo
Página web:
Cidade natal:
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
liberdade dança hack permacultura música wiki ciência poesia aberta yoga vegetarianismo comunidade software_livre

If you don't see the fnords... they won't eat you.

Science, not unlike many other human endeavors, depends on an inherently collective effort, which must carefully balance collaboration and competition. As such, it is indissociable from its communication, and will share its fate: a science that cannot be shared, cannot be.
Informações de contato e redes sociais:
Do first consider joining a Hubzilla hub, or some other Fediverse thing, and contacting me here through this very channel!

My presence on other networks and websites:

- Matrix: or show up at my personal chat room


- Wikiversidade em língua Portuguesa

- English language Wikiversity

- Wikiversité en langue française

- E-mail